Friday, November 9, 2012

Teeth Whitening – To Beach or Not To Bleach?

Do you hesitate when flashing your broad and bright smile because your teeth are not as bright as they were before? If your answer is a ‘yes’, you should know that you are not alone! Researches have revealed that around 90% of Americans have discolored teeth that are keeping them tight-lipped. If your pearly whites have lost their sheen, you may want to consider teeth whitening from a reputed San Diego dentist. However, with choices ranging from slow but affordable solutions to quick but expensive laser treatments, selecting the best option can indeed be a challenge.

Option 1: Laser Bleaching at San Diego Dentist's Office

During laser bleaching, a barrier is put around the gum tissue and strong bleach is put on the teeth of the patient. After which, a laser light is used to activate the bleach and make it work efficiently. This is a safe procedure as your gums are protected and you are under the supervision of a qualified dentist during this professional teeth-whitening treatment. You can see positive results after three sittings of bleaching treatments. However, before opting for this bleaching treatment, it is advisable that you consult an expert dentist.

Option No. 2: Professional Bleaching Trays

Apart from laser treatment, teeth-whitening option using bleaching trays can also be considered. In this method, your dentist in San Diego will use an impression of your teeth and design a custom bleaching tray that will fit your teeth perfectly. The cost and duration of these processes can differ as per your selection of a San Diego dentist and their experience. Discuss with your dentist about the various teeth-whitening procedures and all the options you have on hand before selecting the one to go for. Professional dentists can check the condition of your teeth and help you select the best possible option, while keeping in mind your overall dental health. If everything fits under your budget, teeth bleaching can be the best possible option you may choose to get that glittering smile back!

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